Logging Your Life

I had a laser procedure done to my left eye this morning, the same thing that I had done last week to my right eye. I made a note in my Medical log to record what was done and the dates.
Later I went to Motmans to get gardening supplies and came home to plant potatoes, onions, and cabbage. I recorded this in my garden log.
I keep logs for a lot of things; I have a home log where I keep track of how many times I’ve plowed snow, mowed grass, and done various projects around the house. I have a biking log where I keep track of my monthly mileage, I even have a book log where I keep track of books I read.
I’ve found these logs to be invaluable to spot trends and to remember details. For instance I see in my garden log when I planted and harvested something from year to year and can use this to plan for the current year. My home log reminds me when I replaced appliances or made repairs so I can plan for future expenses. My budget log shows me what I spent money on and which months have more expenses.
I personally keep logs in an excel spreadsheet, but you can use a note taking app or even a small paper notebook. Having it digital works well for me because I can make an entry from my phone wherever I am. The great thing about keeping a log is that it grows more valuable the longer you keep it. A log can help you to remember the past more objectively and even help to forecast the future.
My Logs:

  1. Home Maintenance
  2. Auto Maintenance
  3. Biking
  4. Gardening
  5. Medical
  6. Books
  7. Travel
  8. Budget
  9. Net Worth

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