Leaving The Greenhouse

There is going to be a hard frost tonight. Even though I’ve only planted cold hardy plants like onions, cabbage, peas, and lettuce I still went out and put a protective covering over them. My broccoli and kale plants I delayed planting so as not to expose them to the frost, even though they are cold hardy as well.
These plants have had a soft life so far, they were raised in a climate controlled greenhouse where all their needs for food, water, and light were given to them so they could grow. Now they will need to be outside where it may be too hot, too cold, too dry, or too wet. It will be a struggle for them to grow to maturity. Because I care for my plants I will try to help them with food and water while they are out in the garden, but it is still up to them to survive. Unfortunately, some will struggle and may not make it, but others will overcome the elements and thrive.
There is a process known as ‘hardening off’ where you expose greenhouse plants to the outdoors for a few hours for a couple of days to ease the shock of them being outside in the elements. That’s my excuse for putting a protective covering on the plants. They are still new to being outside and I’m trying to take away some of the stress. I think I’m being too protective with the other plants by not even putting them out and allowing them to experience the cold stress.
Raising children is a lot like raising plants. When they are young we give them everything they need to grow and we hesitate to let them out of the greenhouse. When we do let them out we want to shield them from any difficulties even though it is part of the hardening off process.

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